Traditional methods of open cutting trenches to install pipelines and utility lines prove to be very expensive and troublesome when working around existing utilities, working in or around sensitive or historical areas or working in roadways or under streams. Also adding to the cost and considerations of the open cut method is the restoration of the disturbed areas and the inconvenience to the public and to owners. Horizontal directional drilling is a proven alternative method to install pipelines beneath obstructions, roadways, wetlands, rivers, streams and landscaped areas without having to open cut them by traditional methods. JAT Construction Co., Inc. has been a leader in the horizontal directional drilling business since 1997. Our company has the equipment and the experience to complete a wide range of HDD projects, large or small. Whether it is installing communication or electric conduits or installing gas mains, water mains or sanitary sewer lines (gravity or force main ), in dirt or in ROCK, JAT Construction always delivers experience you can trust.
Installation of;
Ideal for under;
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